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Here you will find a few of Davide Cerreta's latest work.

"Little Pearl"

The original composition, poetry, and story telling of "Little Pearl" is part of a personal project that Davide Cerreta dedicated to Mother Nature.  

 "Little Pearl" aims to bring awareness to the environmental issues caused by mankind, offering a glimpse of the outcomes of our destructive behaviors.

This music video narrates the journey of a pearl floating through the ocean, carried by the waves. During her voyage, she encounters several dying creatures, witnesses the cruelty of mankind and the consequences of our negligence of the ocean. 

Andrea De Simone, sand artist, created a visual representation of the work.

Davide Cerreta Quartet

Davide Cerreta Quartet is a rearrangement of some of the most beautiful songs of the Great American Song Book, hard bop melodies, original compositions, as well as French, German, and Italian popular songs.

"The Human Web"
Francesca Remigi

Cerreta appeared as a side man on Francesca Remigi's concept album "The Human Web" on the homonymous track #6.

“The Human Web” is an interdisciplinary project designed to investigate how technology and specifically Social Media negatively affect mental health, self identity and public life at large, starting from the composer’s personal narrative. 

In this concept album, music making is conceived as a healing process and a way to share and recover from personal trauma.

When It Falls
Suwon Yim

Davide Cerreta collaborated with Suwon Yim on the song Gentle Breeze, part of the Korean's album "When It Falls", dedicated to nature. 

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